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Introduction to Web Development

Detailed Course Curriculum
This module is a foundational course designed to provide students with an overview of the web development process. The module covers the basics of web development, starting with the request/response cycle, which is the fundamental process of how web pages are delivered to the user’s browser. It also covers front-end and back-end development, which are the two main components of web development. Additionally, the module covers the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, which are the three core technologies used in web development. The learners will also learn how to set up a developer environment, including installing and configuring tools and software necessary for web development.
The Internet is an essential part of our daily lives, but its origins and inner workings are often overlooked. This module aims to provide students with an understanding of the history and infrastructure of the Internet. It covers the creation of the first computer networks, the development of the World Wide Web, and the protocols that enable data to be transmitted over the Internet. Students will also learn about the role of Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and Domain Name System (DNS) in connecting devices and websites. This module provides a foundation for understanding how the Internet functions, which is essential for anyone interested in web development, networking, or information technology.
The HTML Fundamentals module is a crucial building block for any web development course. It provides learners with an understanding of the core concepts of HTML, such as tags, attributes, and elements. The module starts with an introduction to the role of HTML in web development, followed by a detailed explanation of how to structure web pages using HTML tags. Students will learn about essential HTML tags such as headers, paragraphs, links, images, lists, and tables. They will also learn how to use attributes to provide additional information about elements and how to create and style forms using HTML. The hands-on challenges throughout the module provide learners with practical experience in using HTML to create web pages.
The CSS Fundamentals module is an essential part of web development training that provides students with an understanding of how to add visual styling and layout to their web pages using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). The module covers the basics of CSS, including selectors, properties, and values, and how they are used to style HTML elements. Students will also learn about the CSS box model and how it is used to control the layout of web pages. Hands-on exercises and practical examples are used to reinforce the concepts covered in the module and help students gain practical skills. Upon completion of the module, students will have a solid foundation in CSS and be able to apply their knowledge to create visually appealing and well-designed web pages.
The CSS Layouts: Float, Flex Box & CSS Grid module in the Introduction to Web Development course is focused on the three ways of building layouts in CSS: floats, flexbox, and CSS grid. The module covers the basics of using floats to create a simple layout, followed by a more in-depth exploration of the more modern and powerful tools of flexbox and CSS grid. By the end of the module, students will have a good understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of each layout technique and will be able to choose the appropriate layout tool for their projects.
The Web Design Rules & Framework module in the Introduction to Web Development course is designed to provide learners with an understanding of the basic principles of web design. Students will learn about the importance of typography, color schemes, images, and other visual elements in creating a visually appealing website. The module also covers the importance of user experience, and how to design websites that are easy to use and navigate. The Website-Personalities-Framework is introduced as a way to create websites that are tailored to specific personalities, which can help to improve the overall user experience. By the end of the module, students will have a solid understanding of the key principles of web design and how to apply them in their own website projects.
In web development, reusable components and layout patterns play a crucial role in creating efficient and maintainable code. This module aims to teach students the basics of component-based design and how to create reusable components using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Students will also learn about various layout patterns, such as grid systems, and how to create flexible and responsive layouts using CSS. The module will cover the best practices for designing and implementing components and layouts, including accessibility and performance considerations. By the end of the module, students will have a solid understanding of component-based design principles and the skills to create efficient and reusable code in web development projects.
The Project – Setup & Desktop Version module is focused on providing students with the practical skills and knowledge necessary to plan, design, and develop a website from scratch. The module will cover essential topics such as responsive design, the use of rem and max-width units, and setting up a reusable grid system. By the end of the module, students will have a clear understanding of the different steps involved in building a website, from designing the layout to adding content and functionality. They will also have a chance to apply their knowledge and skills by building a complete website with multiple sections, including a homepage, about page, contact page, and more. This module is ideal for anyone looking to develop their web development skills and create professional-grade websites.
The Responsive Web Design module is essential for creating websites that work well on various devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and mobile devices. Students will learn how to use flexible layouts, fluid images, and media queries to make websites responsive and adaptable. They will also learn about breakpoints, which are points at which the layout of a website changes to fit the screen size of the device. By the end of this module, students will be able to create responsive designs that provide optimal viewing experiences across a range of devices and screen sizes. They will also be able to use media queries to customize the appearance of their website based on the device type, screen size, and orientation.
The JavaScript & Deployment module in the Introduction to Web Development course covers the basics of adding interactivity and effects to a website using JavaScript. Students will learn about variables, functions, conditional statements, loops, and event handling. They will also explore how to manipulate the DOM (Document Object Model) to create dynamic web pages. The module also covers the principles of web performance optimization, including minification, bundling, and caching. Finally, students will learn how to deploy their website to a web server using FTP or a hosting platform like GitHub Pages or Netlify. By the end of this module, students will have the skills and knowledge to create interactive and performant websites and deploy them to the web.
The Conclusion module of the Introduction to Web Development course is designed to help students recap and consolidate their learning from the entire course. Students will review the fundamentals of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and will be provided with some best practices for writing clean, maintainable code. The module will also provide an overview of some popular web development frameworks and libraries, and how they can be used to build complex web applications. Finally, the module will provide some resources for further learning and practice, such as online courses, communities, and projects. By the end of the course, students will have a solid foundation in web development and will be able to create their own responsive, visually appealing, and interactive websites.

What Our Students Say

Daniel K.
Certificate in Google Ads
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I've just got my first Google Ads client!!

I’ve just got my first google ads client!! I’m really happy and would like to thank you guys for your help in teaching me the ins and outs of Google Ads! I loved the module on setting up your own agency. My goal is to grow mine and get more clients nowl!
Samantha M.
Certificate in Xero
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Thank you Imogen

I absolutely loved this course! Its simple structure made it easy to follow, and I want to give a special shoutout to Imogen, the fantastic tutor. She was incredibly helpful and always there whenever I got stuck.
Alex B.
Certificate in Facebook Ads
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I now run my own Facebook Ads

As a business owner I knew I had to run facebook ads if I wanted to grow but I didn’t know where to start. A friend recommended the facebook ads course here and it has been a game changer. It walked me though setting up various types of campaigns step by step and everything I learnt I now apply to my business. Also thanks to Richard for the help throughout the course!
Steven V.
Certificate in SEO
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I have a really great understanding of SEO

I can't express enough how grateful I am for the SEO course at the Online Business Academy. It provided with a really good, overall understanding of SEO principles and techniques. The tutors were also incredibly supportive and there whenever I needed help.
Darrel S.
Certificate in Accounting
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Very friendly and helpful stuff

Loved this course! It was straightforward and the staff were exceptional. I can't find any complaints, had a great learning experience and got to brush up on my accounting knowledge.
Amanda B.
Advanced Certificate in Xero
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This course exceeded my expectations

This course was absolutely fantastic! It far exceeded my expectations in terms of quality and content. The material was presented in a clear and concise manner, making it easy to understand and apply. I was impressed by the depth of knowledge covered and the practical exercises provided, which helped solidify my understanding.
Jennifer L.
Certificate in Marketing
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I recommend this to other e-comm store owners

I highly recommend the marketing course for e-commerce entrepreneurs at the Online Business Academy. The course focused on the unique challenges faced by e-comm sellers, providing valuable insights and strategies. Enrolling in this course has been a great investment so far.

Meet Your Expert Xero Tutors

Your tutors will be here to help whenever you get stuck and need some help

Ronnie L.

Ronnie is an experienced and knowledgeable tutor specializing in Business courses. With a degree in accounting from De La Salle University, Ronnie brings practical examples and real-world insights to his teaching. Currently pursuing an MBA at the University of Queensland, he remains committed to continuous learning and staying up-to-date with the latest industry trends. Ronnie's exceptional communication skills and emphasis on practical application empower students to grasp complex business concepts and apply them in real-world scenarios.

Michael N.

Michael is an accounting student at the University of South Australia, who knows his numbers inside out. When he's not hitting the books, he's putting his skills to work as a part-time accounting and bookkeeping tutor at the Online Business Academy, helping aspiring professionals level up. During his downtime, you'll find Michael diving into the world of gaming, where he unleashes his competitive spirit. Michael also enjoys bouldering in his spare time.

Imogen H.

Imogen is a former Payroll Specialist with three years of experience, specializing in Xero and QuickBooks. With a deep understanding of payroll processes, regulations, and industry best practices, Imogen is dedicated to sharing her expertise as a payroll tutor. Her extensive knowledge of Xero and QuickBooks allows her to provide comprehensive training and support to students, equipping them with the skills needed to effectively manage payroll using these popular accounting software platforms.

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Frequently Asked Questions

There are no entry requirements or pre-requisites to enrol into this course. You can enrol online directly by clicking on “Enrol Now” and follow the prompts. Alternatively, you can enrol over the phone with our friendly student advisors. Give them a call on (02) 8006 0556 or email them at

This course takes approximately 60 hours, and you’ll have lifetime access to this course. Study in your own time, at your own pace. Most of The Online Business Academy courses are designed so that you do one module a week. But if life gets busy you can take longer and even apply for a course extension if you need more time.

Upon the completion of this course, you can obtain a job as a Junior Web Developer. In Australia, Junior Web Developers earn approximately $60,000 per year but can be as high as $116,741 per year. (Payscale)

Contact a friendly student advisor on (02) 8006 0556 to find out about potential career outcomes and see where our courses can take you. Employers also constantly approach The Online Business Academy looking for students and employers also advertise jobs in the Career Centre (available once you enrol). You’ll also receive a FREE CV review.

This qualification is Internationally recognised. Our qualifications are highly sought after by employers around the world and accredited by global industry bodies such as ICOES.

Your course will be delivered through our online learning platform. You can access our online learning platform from any web browser 24/7 so you can work whenever and wherever you want. You can also interact with your tutors and other students within the learning environment.

Online learning allows you to make the best use of your time and puts all the resources you need at your fingertips. There are no set course start dates, you can start whenever you are ready. Your tutors and student services will check in on your progress and help you every step of the way

Absolutely! You’ve got an 10-day cooling off period (or trial period) at the start of your course. Take that time to look through all your learning material and get a feel for online learning. If you decide the course isn’t for you within the trial period, you’ll get a full money back guarantee.

Or speak to a student advisor.
Call (02) 8006 0556.
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