Advanced Excel Techniques: Macros, Conditional Formatting, and VLOOKUP

Microsoft Excel is a powerful tool that can help you manage and analyze data more efficiently. While many people are familiar with basic Excel features like formulas and charts, there are several advanced techniques that can take your skills to the next level. In this article, we’ll explore some of the most useful advanced Excel techniques, including macros, conditional formatting, VLOOKUP, and functions.

Excel Macros

Macros are a powerful tool that can help you automate repetitive tasks in Excel. Essentially, a macro is a set of instructions that you can record and play back later. For example, if you frequently need to format data in a certain way, you can record a macro that applies those formatting changes automatically.

To record a macro in Excel, go to the “View” tab and click “Macros.” Then, click “Record Macro” and follow the prompts to record your actions. Once you’ve recorded your macro, you can play it back at any time by going to the “View” tab and clicking “Macros” again.

One of the best things about macros is that you can customize them to suit your needs. For example, you can add keyboard shortcuts to your macros, or you can edit the macro code directly to make more complex changes.

Conditional Formatting

Conditional formatting is a powerful feature in Excel that allows you to format cells based on specific criteria. This can be incredibly useful for highlighting important data, identifying trends, and making your spreadsheets more visually appealing.

What is conditional formatting and why use it?

Conditional formatting allows you to apply formatting to cells based on specific conditions. For example, you can use conditional formatting to highlight cells that contain a certain value, cells that are above or below a certain threshold, or cells that meet other criteria.

There are many reasons why you might want to use conditional formatting in your spreadsheets. For example, you might use it to:

  • Highlight important data: By using conditional formatting to highlight cells that contain important data, you can make it easier to quickly identify key information in your spreadsheet.
  • Identify trends: By using conditional formatting to highlight cells that meet certain criteria, you can quickly identify trends and patterns in your data.
  • Make your spreadsheet more visually appealing: By using conditional formatting to apply colors, fonts, and other formatting options to your cells, you can make your spreadsheet more visually appealing and easier to read.

How to apply conditional formatting to cells, rows, and columns

Applying conditional formatting to cells, rows, and columns is easy in Excel. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Select the cells, rows, or columns that you want to apply conditional formatting to.
  2. Click on the “Conditional Formatting” button in the “Home” tab of the Excel ribbon.
  3. Choose the type of conditional formatting that you want to apply. For example, you might choose “Highlight Cells Rules” to highlight cells that meet certain criteria, or “Data Bars” to add data bars to your cells.
  4. Choose the specific criteria that you want to use for your conditional formatting. For example, you might choose to highlight cells that are greater than a certain value, or cells that contain a specific text string.
  5. Choose the formatting options that you want to apply to your cells. For example, you might choose to apply a specific color to your cells, or to add a data bar or icon set.
  6. Click “OK” to apply your conditional formatting.

Advanced conditional formatting techniques, including data bars and color scales

Excel offers many advanced conditional formatting techniques that can help you take your spreadsheets to the next level. Here are a few examples:

  • Data bars: Data bars are a type of conditional formatting that allows you to add a visual representation of your data to your cells. For example, you might use data bars to show the relative size of different values in your spreadsheet.
  • Color scales: Color scales are a type of conditional formatting that allows you to apply a gradient of colors to your cells based on their values. For example, you might use a color scale to highlight cells that are above or below a certain threshold.
  • Icon sets: Icon sets are a type of conditional formatting that allows you to add icons to your cells based on their values. For example, you might use icon sets to add arrows that indicate whether a value is increasing or decreasing.

By using these advanced conditional formatting techniques, you can make your spreadsheets more visually appealing and easier to read.

Tips for using conditional formatting to highlight important data

Here are a few tips for using conditional formatting to highlight important data in your spreadsheets:

  • Use bold fonts and bright colors to make your important data stand out.
  • Use data bars or color scales to show the relative size or importance of different values in your spreadsheet.
  • Use icon sets to add visual cues that help you quickly identify important trends or patterns in your data.

By using these tips, you can make your important data stand out and make it easier to quickly identify key information in your spreadsheet.


VLOOKUP is one of the most powerful and versatile functions in Excel. It allows you to search for data in a table and return a corresponding value from a specified column. This can be incredibly useful for tasks like data analysis, financial modeling, and inventory management.

How to use VLOOKUP

To use VLOOKUP, you need to have a table of data with at least two columns: one column containing the lookup value (the value you want to search for) and one column containing the result value (the value you want to return). For example, let’s say you have a table of sales data with columns for product name, sales date, and sales amount. You want to be able to look up the sales amount for a specific product and date.

Here’s how you would use VLOOKUP to do this:

  1. Select the cell where you want to display the result.
  2. Type the formula “=VLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num, [range_lookup])”, replacing the arguments with the appropriate values:
    • lookup_value: The value you want to search for. This can be a cell reference or a text string enclosed in quotation marks.
    • table_array: The range of cells containing the lookup value and result value columns. This should include the entire table, including the column headers.
    • col_index_num: The column number of the result value column in the table array. This should be a number, with the leftmost column in the table array being column 1.
    • range_lookup: An optional argument that specifies whether to perform an exact match or an approximate match. If this argument is omitted or set to TRUE, VLOOKUP will perform an approximate match (also known as a “closest match” or “approximate match”). If this argument is set to FALSE, VLOOKUP will perform an exact match.
  3. Press Enter to calculate the formula.

For example, if you wanted to look up the sales amount for the product “Widget A” on the date “1/1/2022” in the sales data table, and the sales amount column was the third column in the table, you would use the following formula:

=VLOOKUP(“Widget A”&”1/1/2022”, A2:C100, 3, FALSE)

This formula concatenates the product name and date into a single lookup value, separated by an ampersand (&) symbol. The table array is the range A2:C100, which includes the entire sales data table. The col_index_num is 3, since the sales amount column is the third column in the table. The range_lookup argument is set to FALSE, since we want to perform an exact match.

Advanced VLOOKUP techniques

VLOOKUP is a powerful function that can be used in a variety of ways. Here are a few advanced techniques that can help you get even more out of this function:


You can use VLOOKUP inside another VLOOKUP to perform more complex lookups. For example, let’s say you have a table of sales data with columns for product name, sales date, and sales region. You want to be able to look up the sales amount for a specific product, date, and region. Here’s how you would do this using nested VLOOKUPs:

=VLOOKUP(“Widget A”&”1/1/2022”, VLOOKUP(“Widget A”, A2:C100, 2, FALSE), 3, FALSE)

This formula first performs a VLOOKUP to find the row in the table that matches the product name “Widget A”. It then performs another VLOOKUP on that row to find the sales amount for the specific date.


INDEX/MATCH is an alternative to VLOOKUP that can be more flexible and powerful in some cases. Instead of specifying the column number of the result value column, you use the MATCH function to find the column number based on a lookup value. Here’s an example:

=INDEX(C2:C100, MATCH(“Widget A”&”1/1/2022”, A2:A100&B2:B100, 0))

This formula uses the MATCH function to find the row in the table that matches the lookup value, and returns the corresponding value from the sales amount column using the INDEX function.

Tips for using VLOOKUP

Here are a few tips to help you get the most out of VLOOKUP:

  • Always include the range_lookup argument and set it to FALSE for exact matches. This will ensure that you get the correct result and avoid errors.
  • Use named ranges to make your formulas more readable and easier to maintain.
  • Use the IFERROR function to handle errors gracefully. For example, you can use “=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(…), “”)” to display a blank cell instead of an error message if the lookup value is not found.

Excel Functions

Excel functions are powerful tools that allow you to perform calculations and manipulate data in your spreadsheets. Whether you’re working with financial data, analyzing sales figures, or tracking inventory, functions can help you save time and increase accuracy. In this section, we’ll take a closer look at some of the most commonly used Excel functions and explore advanced techniques for using them effectively.

Overview of Commonly Used Excel Functions

Excel includes a wide range of functions that can be used to perform calculations and manipulate data. Some of the most commonly used functions include:

  • SUM: Adds up a range of numbers.
  • AVERAGE: Calculates the average of a range of numbers.
  • COUNT: Counts the number of cells in a range that contain numbers.
  • MAX: Returns the highest value in a range of numbers.
  • MIN: Returns the lowest value in a range of numbers.
  • IF: Tests a condition and returns one value if the condition is true and another value if the condition is false.
  • AND: Tests whether all of the arguments are true and returns true if they are, false if they aren’t.
  • OR: Tests whether any of the arguments are true and returns true if they are, false if they aren’t.
  • NOT: Reverses the logical value of its argument.

These functions can be used in a variety of ways to perform calculations and manipulate data. For example, you might use the SUM function to add up the total sales for a particular product, or the AVERAGE function to calculate the average price of a group of items.

How to Use Functions to Perform Calculations and Manipulate Data

To use a function in Excel, you’ll need to enter it into a cell and provide the necessary arguments. For example, to use the SUM function to add up a range of numbers, you would enter “=SUM(A1:A10)” into a cell, where A1:A10 is the range of cells you want to add up.

Excel functions can also be combined to perform more complex calculations. For example, you might use the IF function to test a condition and return one value if the condition is true and another value if the condition is false, and then use the SUM function to add up the results.

Advanced Function Techniques

Excel functions can be used in a variety of advanced ways to perform complex calculations and manipulate data. Some advanced function techniques include:

  • Array Formulas: These formulas allow you to perform calculations on multiple cells at once, rather than just one cell at a time.
  • Nested Functions: These are functions that are used inside other functions to perform more complex calculations.
  • IF Statements: These statements allow you to test a condition and return one value if the condition is true and another value if the condition is false.
  • VLOOKUP: This function allows you to search for data in a table and return a corresponding value.

By mastering these advanced function techniques, you can streamline your work and become more efficient in Excel.

Tips for Using Functions to Save Time and Increase Accuracy

To get the most out of Excel functions, it’s important to use them effectively. Here are some tips for using functions to save time and increase accuracy:

  • Use named ranges to make your formulas easier to read and understand.
  • Use absolute references ($) to prevent cell references from changing when you copy and paste formulas.
  • Use error checking to identify and correct errors in your formulas.
  • Use the Evaluate Formula tool to step through your formulas and see how they are calculated.
  • Use the Function Library to explore and learn about different Excel functions.

By following these tips, you can use Excel functions to save time and increase accuracy in your work.


In conclusion, mastering advanced Excel techniques like macros, conditional formatting, VLOOKUP, and functions can help you streamline your work and become more efficient. By taking the time to learn these features and incorporating them into your workflow, you can save time, reduce errors, and produce more accurate and useful data.

Here are some key takeaways from this article:

  • Macros can automate repetitive tasks and save you time. By recording and editing macros, you can create custom shortcuts that perform complex actions with a single click.
  • Conditional formatting can help you highlight important data and make it easier to read. By applying formatting rules to cells, rows, and columns, you can draw attention to specific values or trends in your data.
  • VLOOKUP is a powerful function that can help you search for data in a table. By specifying a search term and a range of cells, you can quickly find the information you need and use it in your calculations.
  • Functions are the building blocks of Excel formulas. By using functions like SUM, AVERAGE, and COUNT, you can perform complex calculations and manipulate data in a variety of ways.

By mastering these advanced Excel techniques, you can take your data analysis skills to the next level and become a more valuable asset to your organization. Whether you’re a business analyst, financial professional, or data scientist, these tools can help you work more efficiently and produce better results.

But don’t just take our word for it. According to a recent survey by the Association for Talent Development, employees who receive training and development opportunities are more engaged, more productive, and more likely to stay with their current employer. By investing in your own skills and knowledge, you can improve your job satisfaction and advance your career.So what are you waiting for? Start exploring these advanced Excel techniques today and see how they can help you work smarter, not harder. And if you’re looking for more resources and training opportunities, be sure to check out our course on Microsoft Excel. We offer a wide range of courses and tutorials on Excel, data analysis, and other essential business skills.

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